Brady Austin Rider primarily works in oil paint while exploring other media such as photography and mixed media paintings. He makes work that is quite personal, reflecting on his past, making sense of the present, and celebrating the future. He was born and raised in a small town in South Carolina and is often in dialogue with the younger version of himself. His formerly suppressed queer identity is now celebrated in his work through the lens of different places he has lived; Chicago, Paris, and Los Angeles. Brady has and continues to explore psychedelics and altered states of mind, which he attributes to his rather positive approach to life. He aims to spread this newfound love and joy with all who come in contact with his work.
Before starting a painting, he considers himself a photographer and writer, documenting moments with his camera and trying to put words to his racing mind working with traditional film photography, polaroid, and writing stream-of-consciousness poetry. He is interested in representing the energies of human subjects, usually his fiancé, queer friends, and family members. The body is always of interest to him, particularly the face. He prefers to work with raw flesh instead of dressed bodies because of the endless possibilities he can explore with color and movement.
His fluid, psychedelic style aims to represent a moment in time. He has realized that a singular moment is ephemeral, or ever fleeting. He approaches a representation of a particular moment by documenting what occurred immediately before and after; making sense of this elusive “moment”. These ideas are represented in his abstract portraiture and purely abstract works. In addition to the fluid brushstrokes, he has a very intimate relationship with color and is always exploring the depths of possibilities.
Exposition individuelle | Solo exhibition
Galerie du Lendemain - Paris, France
Expositions collectives | Group exhibitions
Galerie du Lendemain - Paris, France
Université de Chicago - Chicago, USA
Formation | Education
2023 Paris College of Art - Certificate in Fine Arts
2022 University of Chicago - BA in Visual Arts